Haribol Acharya

The question can obviously arise: Are we teaching our kids the right thing? Of course, many of us are proud of getting our kids smarter and their future brighter. With of course lots of successes and loads of money in their packets and limitless opportunities awaiting them. Is that enough and is that all they need in life to be happy and be good citizens? Maybe many of us are confused about our values. These all are not the ultimate values we all actually,  deep down in our hearts, want, though they are very essential instruments. Money is indeed instrumental in getting us where we want to reach. We need a comfortable home, and of course some money to teach our kids and to pay the bills that arise in our day-to-day house expenses or school fees. Or we need money to buy life-saving drugs or to meet our essential expenses. We need to earn money,  needless to say. But not at the expense of other essentials in life.  There is a limit or point the utility or importance of money goes on increasing, and it cannot increase limitlessly and at some points, it has to stop and the utility money can provide diminishing from that point. But some people do not care whether the utility of money in their lives increase or decrease and keep on amassing  it greedily and endlessly. They lose in the course of making money all else: their people, their health, their relationships, their sleep and dreams and ultimately their happiness in life.

Therefore it is high time we teach our kids some other important aspects of life. It does not mean we do not value money. We do greatly but never at the expense of other equally important values in life. Therefore a good education we impart to our kids must comprise of moral education as well. Kids are vulnerable beings and if we cannot cultivate good things or values in their times of youthfulness they are likely to go astray. Therefore the part and parcel of education should not stock our kids with ideas of becoming “great”  equally becoming “good “as well.
